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Good Vibrations at Pineapple Fitness

By Jose Martinez

With 2016 now underway, the most common New Year’s resolution is always to get fit and lose weight. And while that’s a commendable goal, more often than not, come February and March, gym memberships go to waste as people realize it’s easier to lift a doughnut than a dumbbell.

But for Angelenos determined to get fit, it helps if our workouts are fun and easy to build upon. With that in mind, meet trainer Nick Morris and his Pineapple Fitness method to better health. Make way for the Pineapple Revolution!

A former professional rugby player, Morris is a charismatic trainer with a degree in sports science that has also worked as a conditioning coach for various European rugby and soccer teams, in addition to training numerous Olympic athletes.

Headquartered in Brentwood, Morris’ Pineapple Fitness is a cutting-edge sports facility consisting of his patented Pineapple equipment which are vibrating machines that you can stand on, lean on, or sit on, and it’s movement is designed to completely exhaust our muscles thus working out our bodies to failure (which in this case is a good thing).

The Columbus Dispatch described Pineapple as “one of the strangest pieces of equipment. It looks more like a scruffy coffee table than a fitness machine. But stand on it, push a button and the contraption jiggles like it's having a seizure, forcing the leg muscles into use to maintain balance.”

Believers of Pineapple Fitness include actors Robert Downey, Jr., Jeremy Piven and Bradley Whitford, as well as the San Antonio Spurs, and the USC football team.

Taking its name from the pineapple itself, whose core is immediately visible once you cut the delicious fruit in half, Morris believes our “core” is more than just our midsection.

“Your core is actually your midsection muscles and your central nervous system, that’s the foundation of every single movement or action in your body,” Morris explains. “Slice a pineapple in half and there’s that common core, that nervous system and that midsection. Pineapple Fitness is about 100% real core and it also has the lovely feel of lifestyle and goodness and happiness. Really, the Pineapple technology workout is obviously a physical impact but it’s also a mental, subliminal effect as well.”




In the same way that music and colors can energize or enhance our mood and emotions, the vibrations of the Pineapple equipment can also impact our bodies and muscles.

The workouts take place on the Pineapple “Bio-Oscillation” platforms. Bio-Oscillation means effective communication of energy to our cells. The workout certainly achieves that, as it activates more muscle fiber than is possible in any other safe method while providing a simultaneous rejuvenating massage effect.

“Everyone of our clients say it is like a massage and a workout at the same-time!” Morris enthuses.

Having had the opportunity to workout under Morris’ watchful eye, I can honestly say he’s unto something. In less than 30 minutes you will achieve a complete body workout without the soreness and aches and pains that often follow such an intense regime.

Newcomers can expect an amazing workout in a very short period of time. “The concept is to create a very high intensity of work in a very soft manner so it always feels comfortable,” Morris ensures.

Offering group or private sessions, all Pineapple workouts consist of squats, lunges, pushing, pulling and twisting. The vibrating equipment may appear intimidating at first but don’t let that get in the way of your commitment to fitness.

“If you can stand on the ground, you can stand on the machine,” Morris notes. “Anything that makes contact with the platform, the magic happens from there. It’s the transfer point. I’ve had people 95-years-old on the platform, and I’ve had children 9 weeks old gently rocking away.”

Open for nearly a year now, Morris declares, “We’re here to amplify and optimize the time and energy people spend here.”

The aforementioned Robert Downey, Jr. is an avid Pineapple devotee. “He gets on every day,” Morris admits. “We had to UPS units to his home and had to ship units to the UK when they were filming Sherlock Holmes.”

Brad Bose, Downey’s personal trainer, finished the actor’s workouts with the Pineapple vibration and compression machines that would thoroughly exhausts his muscles.

"You're supposed to [workout] to failure, because that's what gets the body’s response," Bose said. "So things like the Pineapple actually get you to failure which is success in our business."

If you’re determined to get in shape this year what’s better than a fun, 30-minute workout?

“The beauty of this workout, in real terms, is that it actually becomes shorter,” Morris declares. “The greater you get, or the more your ability level rises, the shorter the workout becomes because we’re cellular-based. Our cells can only absorb so much actual work and it’s insuring the person is working out at a high enough level that the training effect is taking place, so we never elongate the time. The Olympic level athletes train for 15 – 20 minutes. We would never train anyone for an hour.”


As Morris likes to bark out, “Get juiced!”

Pineapple Fitness is located at 12020 Wilshire Blvd. Call at 310-979-7463.

For more information on Pineapple Fitness see


Nick Morris

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